Mirus Academy appreciates the level of commitment and sacrifice that tuition poses to the families that entrust us to help raise their children into mature and wise adults. We balance the need to raise tuitions with the need to pay our teachers and staff competitively, so that we may continue to provide the high-level education that you have come to expect. We use a fair and mission-appropriate formula to make awards to families with true need. This protects tuition from rising too quickly as well.
We use a third party system to process all tuition assistance applications. They process the information and propose awards based on the information gleaned from taxes and other documentation. Mirus Academy then awards assistance based on those findings, up to, and not exceeding 50%.
Please understand that our funds are limited and may not meet your needs, but please consider the larger picture. The education your child receives will have an effect on more than his or her own life. An investment in your child's education is an investment in the lives of all he or she will meet.
The system is very user friendly, but should you need assistance, 24-hour support can be found by calling 1-877-326-FAST (3278). Please click on the link below to be directed to the FAST website.